Customized module production

We plan and produce individual modules for you

Over time, the requirements for filtration products change. In recent years, therefore we have received increasing requests from customers for individual filtration modules, tailored to their needs. Due to the intensive exchange with our customers and the positive feedback on the first individual product variants, we have expanded our product range with individual module production.
The advantage for our customers is obvious: they do not have to develop complete products from scratch. In contrast, they receive filtration products that are adapted to their specific requirements or fitted with their chosen membranes.
This new module production strategy significantly reduces their costs. And allows them to have individual filtration modules produced in small and medium quantities. Thus, it is not necessary to have the personnel and investment costs in-house. By producing individual module sizes with precisely fitting membranes, we are able to manufacture filtration elements that are adapted to the new requirements by 100%.

Our modern production facility and automated manufacturing processes produce reliable, customized products - without any significant effort to be taken on your part as a customer.
Optimize your products and processes with this new possibility of module production with our company. Tailored to your application-specific requirements, we will give you advice and manufacture individual filter modules for you.

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